


Metro is more than an air medical operator and more than a completion center.  We are committed to not only helping you do what you do better but identifying the leaders among us to help you achieve your full potential.

Leaders are built here.

Our team is given ample opportunity to step up and excel.  From national conferences and trade shows to annual leadership training and our very own Metro University, we are constantly sharpening our skills and our leaders.

National Trade Show Attendance

Metro attends Heli-Expo, APSCON, and other select tradeshows and conferences annually.  Our employees are involved in boards and committees across our industry, and we encourage that participation and learning.

Lead Pilot and Technician Conferences

Metro Lead Pilots and Lead Technicians gather annually for their respective conferences.  During this time, they’re able to network with each other, hear from management, and receive industry updates.

Metro U

Our in-house leadership training, powered by Wildsparq, is a curated approach to building our leadership team.  Introduced in 2023, Metro U is shaping the next generation of Metro.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

-Henry Ford

Metro doesn’t accept the status quo, and “this is how we’ve always done it” isn’t a reason to keep things the same.

We believe in always getting better.

We were the first air medical operator to commit to simulator training, even before a simulator existed for our specific airframes.  We were also the first air medical operator to equip our entire fleet with night vision goggles.

These commitments aren’t for show.  They’re for safety and our desire to make the entire industry safer.

Our pilots attend annual simulator training and complete check rides throughout the year.  Our technicians attend factory maintenance training to enhance their knowledge base.